Tips To Maintain Your Car During Corona Lockdown
Here are some important tips and tricks to take care of your car during the 21-day lockdown period announced to fight the Coronavirus.
These are crucial times, and there is no denying that. With the COVID-19 or the novel coronavirus pandemic gripping the nation in lockdown, we must stay in the confines of our homes, and frankly, it is for our good. This is the only way we can contain this deadly virus from spreading. However, this hibernation period could take a toll your four-wheeler from not being used for such a long period. So, here are some important tips and tricks to take care of your car during the lockdown.1) The first and most important thing is washing your car and not letting dirt accumulate. If your car cleaner is not coming, you should take this initiative yourself and give your car a thorough clean before putting it in storage. Clean the exteriors well with a car shampoo and also give the interiors a good scrub.
2) Make sure your car is parked in a safe covered area. If you do not have covered parking, then keep the car covered. This will protect it from bird droppings or excessive sunlight that could damage the paint.
3) It is wise to maintain a full tank during such times. If there is less fuel, then overtime the air above the fuel would cause condensation which is not good for your vehicles. In the long run, it could even cause rusting.
4) Avoid engaging the parking brake/handbrake when you leave the car idle for a long time as it could get jammed. It's always better to leave the car in gear or parking mode if your car has that feature. For additional safety, you could also go old school and use tyre stoppers, like using a big piece of wood or brick to keep the car from rolling.
5) If you do not use your car for many days then your car battery could be the first thing to not work. Fortunately modern cars have no issues if the days of you not driving it is roughly three weeks and that will not die the battery out. However either you start the car every few days and just drive it for a few meters or disconnect the battery if you are planning on doing that. Else you can also use a trickle charger. Also, run the air conditioner with the blower on while you are doing this so that any dust or foreign particles get thrown out.
6) Make sure that your tyres are properly inflated and are at the correct pressure. When kept idle for a long time the tyres could lose air pressure and keeping them inflated help prevent cracking of the sidewalls and flat spots. If you get a chance to move the car forward and backwards to avoid flat spots.