There are many things you can do to extend the life of your vehicle, as well as to ensure that you are driving safely.
This means avoiding extreme speed and accelerating quickly, especially when it is very hot or cold outside. Let the car warm up properly by accelerating slowly when you first begin to drive. The most wear to an engine happens in the first ten to twenty minutes of driving.
Note down how much you fill up and your mileage. If you see your fuel consumption increasing, then talk to your service advisor.
The longer you leave them the more chance rust has to form.
It’s much cheaper than having to buy a new windshield when it turns into a bigger crack.
It is dangerous to drive on under-inflated tyres and having them correctly inflated it will improve consumption.
This way any issues will be picked up quickly and repaired before they become too expensive.
This will ensure your engine is kept clean and well lubricated to prolong its life.
If you have tried it a couple of times (and given it a few minutes break in between tries), then rather take the option to be towed. If you keep trying you can damage the starter motor.